Basset Hounds love to please us, but they love it when we please them, too.
- Getting wet. Doesn't like going out in the rain; won't walk in puddles; won't go into the sea.
- Nails getting cut. We have to take them to the vet and let them do it. It take 3 or 4 people to cut their nails.
- Cats
- Frosty grass
- Ceiling fans
- Sketchy little boys
- Cold
- Rain
- Being moved when he’s on the bed
- The vacuum!
- Water puddles
- Toys!
- Being moved in the middle of the night while he is sleeping
- Pretzels
- Being alone
- Wet grass
- Thunder and lightening
- The word “no”
- Touching his feet
- Little pups invading his space
- Not sharing your popcorn
- Showers
- Picking him up
- Peas
- When I go to bed and leave her sleeping on the couch
- Fireworks
- Anything that beeps
- Pickles
- Wife's perfume
- Being left alone
- Fish
- Dog biscuit
- Water
- Taking pictures
- Phone camera
- Sirens
- Lettuce
- Bananas
- Not getting his way!
- The neighbor's Dachshunds!
- Not getting to take his daily walk and visiting with his friends
- Storms & loud noises.
- Guns
- Green beans!
- Broccoli
- Baths
- Other dogs
- People food that isn't meat
- Taking medicine
- Playing with his paws
- Getting up early

- Wet grass
- Apples
- Broom
- The fly swatter
- Empty food bowl
- Any thing loud
- The bath... anything that involves her getting wet actually
- Cheese
- When other dogs run fast
- Liquor
- Listening
- Feet
- Rubber squeaky toys
- Remote control
- Vegetables!
- Vet
- Discipline
- Rules
- Diets
- Getting sent to the yard
- The car. HATES the car.
- Speed

- Getting in trouble
- Storms
- Bassett hounds are pack dogs used for hunting rabbits. They need a companion otherwise they will howl and pitch a fit.
- The extractor fan
- Swimming
- Sharing his Daddy!
- Lemon
- Medicine in his ears.
- Soap
- Cheese curls
- Can't touch his feet in any kind of way.
- Late dinner

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