Search through our list of famous male dog names to find the perfect name for your puppy.

- Stitch
- Little Bear
- Cheerio
- Sully
- Brawny
- Eifel
- Wolverine
- Hulk
- Jiminy (Cricket)
- Jerry (Tom and Jerry)
- Tweety
- Hagrid (Harry Potter series)
- Herc (Hercules)
- Stretch
- Tarzan
- Stuart (Little)
- Shaq (Shaquille O’Neal)
- Stallone
- Pee Wee
- Squirt
- Clark (Kent, Superman)
- Thimble
- Arnold (Schwarzenegger)
- Zeus
- Theodore (‘Theo’ for short)
- Mufasa
- Andre (the Giant)
- Monty (short for ‘Montezuma’)
- Big Red
- Hogan
- Aragog (Harry Potter series)
- Tot
- Tiny Tim
- Sequoia (‘Coy’ for short)
- Simon
- Chipper

- Jordon
- T-Rex
- Mighty Joe
- Shrek
- Vulcan
- Beethoven
- Johnny (Bravo)
- Gaston
- Brute