Find the best female pet name by browsing our list of dog names with meaning.

- Gazelle (Small, slender, and dainty, like the antelope)
- Jet (Quick and swift, just like a jet)
- Juno (The most important goddess of the Roman state, wife of Jupiter)
- Millie (German for “labor” or “strength”)
- Tick (A small parasite that sucks blood)
- Xerxes (Persian king; also known as Xerxes the Great)
- Hershey (Sweet and Brown, just like the chocolate)
- Pup (Young dog; short for “puppy”)
- Dahlia (If your pup has a flowery personality, this is a great name.)
- Desert (Worthiness or entitlement to reward or punishment)
- Quark (A dog that is able to roll into a tiny ball)
- Kiesha (Means “aliv e and well”)
- Dozer (A dog who bulldozes everything (or anything))
- Dandelion (A pesky weed of the daisy family)
- Gertrude (Means “spear maiden”)
- Dino (Short for “dinosaur”)
- Jade (Bad-tempered or disreputable female)
- Sabre (A very sharp bladeDuplex Something made up of two parts)
- Sprite (An elf or fairy)
- Tyle (Means “tile maker”)
- Zypher (A soft or gentle breeze)
- Eagle (Possessing keen senses)
- Skye (Female name of Norse origin meaning “cloud”)
- Teddy (Means “gift of God” amy also refer to anything soft and fluffy, like the Teddy Bear)
- Jayla (American name for a girl)
- Granite (Something very hard and impenetrable)
- Shell (Can be short for “Shelly” or “Shelley”)

- Sharpie (Cunning and sly)
- Reba (Hebrew for “to tie”)
- Taz (As in the Tazmanian Devil.)
- Papaya (A tropical fruit shaped like an elongated melon)
- Dakota (Great and unbeatable fighter)
- Ticker (Anything or something that ticks, like a watch or the heart)
- Fargo (Does your dog love the snow? This is a great name for a snow dog.)
- Maple (A popular tree; flavor of maple syrup or maple sugar)
- Solomon (Very wise)
- Zulu (A member of a South African people)
- Opal (A gemstone of varying colors)
- Termite (An insect that feeds on wood)
- Jewell (Variation of “jewel”, a precious stone)
- Mojo (Magical charm or spell)
- Jezebel (This could be a naughty doggie.)
- Parable (A simple story used to illustrate a moral or spiritual lesson)
- Matthias (This is the name of the Disciple who replaced Judas Iscariot.)
- Dandy (Stylish, neat, and fashionable in appearance)
- Suki (Female name which means “to like” in Japanese)
- Starlight (The light that is emitted by stars)
- Phoenix (A dog that is uniquely remarkable in some respect)
- Spigs (Something that is very big)
- Gideon (Hebrew for “mighty warrior”)
- Pique (Stimulates interest or curiosity)
- Iris (Another name for a dog with a flowery personality.)

- Cusp (An end where two curves meet)
- Sabine (Female name of Latin origin)
- Ophelia (Greek for “help” or “aid”)
- Spirit (Otherwise known as the “soul”)
- Komet (Variation of “comet”, celestial object)
- Mya (Greek for “mother” or “great one”)
- Guinevere (The beautiful wife of King Arthur and mistress of Lancelot)
- Ishtar (Babylonian and Assyrian goddess of love and war)
- Kai (rejoice)
- Juniper (An evergreen shrub or tree)
- Donatella (The first name of a very successful Italian fashion designer)
- Dumpster (Trash receptacle)
- Dylan (A Welsh male name)
- Exodus (Mass departure)
- Gadget (Go Go Gadget.)
- Cricket (That little insect that makes a characteristic rhythmical chirping sound)
- Stavos (Name for an elegant male dog)
- Eskimo (Inhabitants of the circumpolar region)
- Lime (Can be a white caustic alkaline substance or a rounded citrus fruit)
- Nike (Not the shoe company, the Greek goddess of victory!)
- Kira (Male name that means “dark” in Gaelic)
- Miko (A female shaman or priestess)
- Cupcake (Small, colorful, and sweet cakes)
- Pudding (I think of chocolate pudding and a chocolate colored dog.)
- Sprinkles (Another sweet name for a sweet dog. Perhaps your pup has unusual spots.)
- Karma (Destiny or fate)
- Prophet (Speaker for God or a deity)
- Isis (Greek goddess of fertility)
- Suede (For a dog with unusual coloring.)
- Dragon (A fire-breathing mythical monster)
- Shiloh (The historic site of a major Civil War battle in Tennessee)
- Pink (A feminine color between red and white)
- Marshmellow (The white puffy confection roasted over a campfire)
- Gasper (Slang for cigarette)
- Flint (Cold-hearted)
- Monster (Of extraordinary and daunting size)

- Ivory (An off-white color that resembles the material of the same name)
- Yonder (Refers to the far distance)
- Tass (To play with)
- Lilac (A dainty flower of pale pinkish-violet color)
- Gia (Short for “Giana”, “Giada”, “Gian”)
- Fudgey (Soft and sweet)
- Loki (A mischievous and sometimes evil god)
- Dante ( ’ Latin for “enduring” or “obstinate”)
- Daze (A dog who gets people in a state of stunned confusion or bewilderment)
- Koi (There is something fishy about this name, but I just can’t put my finger on it.)
- Funky (The 60s term for “cool”)
- Topaz (For a dog with dark yellow fur, just like the precious stone)
- Nikita (Greek name for “unconquered”)
- Tobiah (Hebrew word for “God is good”)
- Rayne (Female name that means “queen” in French)
- Genevieve (Means “woman of the people” (rather, “woman of the dogs”))
- Reiko (Female name that means “courteous child” in Japanese)
- Spencer (Means “someone who gives out goods”)
- Dauntless (Brave, fearless, and bold)
- Taffy (Chewy candy that is similar to toffee)
- Giselle (German for “hostage” or “pledge”)
- Jello (Jelly-like and sweet)