A smiling dog never fails to make everything better! Especially if it's a Dachshund! So, we've come up with a list of the top 20 photos of them with their goofiest grins and sweetest smiles to put a smile on your face and brighten your day!
#1 Belly tickles, please?

#2 Time for bed!

#3 Have a great day!

#4 It will be fun they said...

#5 Oh, Hi!

#6 So... got treats for me?

#7 Dreaming of treats...

#8 I love u!

#9 Don't underestimate this cuteness.

#10 I just pooped in the hallway.

#11 I see you have chips.

#12 Yes, please!

#13 Dog park face.

#14 Are you gonna rub me or nah?

#15 Good morning.

#16 Are these all mine?

#17 Welcome home!

#18 Are you sure about that?

#19 Can I have a bite too?

#20 CHeese!
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